School-wide sailing trips at HSC.

Thanks to a grant with Sail Canada (Sail Funding for All)

Norgate Xwemélch’stn Community Elementary School was able to send all

the students sailing at the Hollyburn Sailing Club in West Vancouver. Due to

the financial barriers, most students had never been sailing and would not

have this experience with their families. When they were told they could

have a full day of sailing (at no cost) they were thrilled, and a bit nervous.

I had the luxury of attending a number of the trips and witnessing the sheer

joy and excitement on the students' faces. The day would start with a brief

orientation where experienced instructors would introduce the basics of

sailing, and the students would take part in putting the boats together and

ready to sail. We were fortunate to have amazing coaches and volunteers

help the children with their boats and also with the actual sailing.

For many, it was a day of firsts - the first time feeling the wind catch the

sail, the first time steering a boat, and the first time experiencing the gentle

sway of the waves beneath their feet. The sense of accomplishment and

the smiles that spread across their faces were unforgettable

By the end of the trip, students returned to shore exhausted but elated,

having not only learned new skills but also having built confidence and

camaraderie. These sailing trips became a highlight of the school year, a

cherished memory that students would carry with them, reminding them of

the endless possibilities that lay beyond the horizon.


“The water was just right, and we got to go really far

out in the sailing boat” (grade 4 student)

“When we were in the boats, the volunteers

were amazing” (grade 4 students)

“It was really fun and great. I personally

loved the paddle boats and the sea

was as beautiful as the sky” (grade 6 student)

“It was fun and I enjoyed the experience with

my friends” (grade 7 student)

“I loved sailing and paddle boarding it

was a magical experience” (grade 7 student)


“What I liked about sailing was the

ocean. I really enjoyed swimming and

sailing in the water. I really hope

the kids next year get to

go sailing”. (grade 7 student)


“I have been teaching for 27 years and this

was by far the best day of my career. Seeing

the students being risk takers and

experiencing the joy of sailing was amazing.

Thank you for the experience and the

opportunity to take the students sailing”


Thanks to Tine Parker for getting the grant from Sail Canada, our Program Director, Lizzie, for organizing and all of the instructors and volunteers who made the day possible and enjoyable for the students!


Capsize Drills Saturday, July 20th.


Intro to Kayak Navigation