Getting married?
Having a big birthday?
Members can book the club
Before making a reservation a member must be in good standing at the club and have been a member for three months. Members may reserve the club for up to 2 occasions per year.
Having made a reservation, the club is not off-limits to other members: all members have the right to avail themselves of the clubhouse at any time. However, if a member has reserved the club, other members should be unobtrusive.
Blackout periods (reservations not permitted)
Daytime: all weekends, all public holidays, all Tuesdays, and all days through July and August (and any time there are Sailing School lessons other than the summer break).
Evening (after 18:00): all of July and August, Fridays-through-Sundays in June and September; Saturdays and Sundays through May and October, race days, and any public holidays.
When the club is reserved by a member for a business or commercially related event, then a financial donation to the club is expected. No donation will be requested for personal social events, or for usage by non-profit organizations booked through members.
On occasion, the club is reserved for non-member functions – usually non-profit, community organizations. These reservations can occur during “blackout” periods.
Club reservations will be posted publicly.
By making a booking and submitting your personal information to Hollyburn Sailing Club (“HSC”), you are consenting to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with the Personal Information and Privacy Protection Act, SBC 2003, c 63. HSC will only use your information submitted on this form for the purposes of event bookings, and will disclose any information collected on a public-facing calendar accessible on the HSC’s website. Should you not wish for your personal information to be disclosed in this manner, please inform HSC when you submit your booking and HSC will refrain from disclosure.
Make a Booking.
Before you book, take a look at club availability above to make sure the date you want is clear.