Capsize Drills Saturday, July 20th.

Hello sailors,

Capsizing is part of sailing, and it is beneficial to practice it intentionally so you are ready if (or when) it happens. Even if you just took Cansail recently, it is good to practice capsize and recovery on the different Co-op boats that we sail.

We will have a capsize practice Saturday morning. The plan is to rig all the co-op sailboats, and any private boats that want to participate, and practice capsize and recovery. We will have a coach boat on the water to assist.

Arrive at the club 10am to rig boats, we will aim to get on the water and go swimming by 11am.

Dress for getting wet. The forecast is for hot weather, but you might want to bring a wetsuit if you have one.

All sailors are welcome.


P.S. A regular Sunday race is planned for July 21st. Try not to capsize then, it is bad for your score.


Pub Night at HSC.


School-wide sailing trips at HSC.