HSC Fall Clean-up 2023.
Under Warm, Sunny, Fall skies, our 2023 Clean-up began before 8am, to catch the 7:34 low tide for Power-Washing the ramp.
Thanks to Jonathan for the ramp job…toughest, messiest, and most needed job on the list.
As usual, our job board was full. Members signed up for a job.
C0-Vice-Commodore, Dave, brings in needed clean-up equipment. Here, painting stuff.
Jonathan is still working on the ramp. The tide is incomming.
All the coach boats come out of the Alley. The Alley is cleaned and organized.
Cleaning up the Top of the Ramp area…Thanks Linda.
Yep, it is a hole in the yard. Rear Commodore Leni gets advice from Fleet Captain Travis, Communications Offier Heather and Past Commodore Dan.
The training fleet is moved to clean the West Yard. All of the dolly wheels get some air if needed.
The clubhouse paint is touched up and in the background, sand is returned to the sea.
In the West Yard, the middle row boats get moved for cleaning.
Jonathan has finished cleaning the ramp…or has the ramp finished Jonathan?
Doug wonders where all of the sand comes from?
Portable air pump to top up any dolly tires that need it.
After a bit of paint, the lockers look good again.
The upstairs deck, tables and chairs and BBQ get power washed too.
Our tents get a washing too, here hung on the fence to dry.
Folding up the tents for storage…Thanks guys!
More power washing.
The East Yard gets a cleaning too.
Thanks to members:
Jonathan Reimer, Mike Bretner, Travis Lyne, Dave Clement, Russel Horwitz, Geoff Hamilton, Geoff Allen, Carman Recavarren, Lizzie Liteplo, Bernd Groll, Doug Hood, Rick Sielski, Chris Morisseau, Tyke Babalos, Leni Corin, Linda Green, Mel Chapple, Braxton Reimer, France Larouche, Heather Drugge, Dan Campbell, Cam Rawlinson, Matt Sluyter, Tom Sluyter, Tom Merenyi, Sabine Engemann, Julian Murray, Janet Clement, Kanu Varman and Jen Stangler.