Special General Meeting
To consider a motion to accept the Strategic Plan and a special resolution to alter the constitution to reflect the Strategic Plan.
Saturday, May 14th, 11:00 am
In-person at the club
Background to Special Resolution to alter the Constitution
- the Constitution contains the purposes of the Society. To reflect the revised purposes in the club’s Mission and Vision we need to revise the purposes in section 2.
-The Mission developed by the Strategic Planning Committee is consistent with the current purposes other than the need to increase the focus on paddling by adding that activity “paddling” in after kayaking in Section 2 (a). The team also recommended to simplify our description of activities by only detailing in the first clause and referring to them in subsequent clauses as “non-motorized watercraft activities.
- The Vision statement development by the Strategic Planning Committee introduces two new purposes: to promote ocean stewardship and to contribute to the well-being of the community. These need to be added and are proposed as additional purposes in a new 2 (e). The original 2 (e) becomes 2 (f), the original 2 (g) becomes 2 (h) and so forth. No purposes have been removed only wording revisions in 2 (a) through 2 (d), the addition of a new 2 (e ) and renumbering of the original 2 (e ) through 2 (h).
- Values stated in the Strategic Plan reflect the behaviours that the Club will embody and these will be incorporated into the Club’s policies and procedures for club activities. Those that relate to the behaviour of individual members will be embedded into the club rules (such as Code of Conduct).
Review the existing Constitution here.
Hollyburn Sailing Club
RESOLVED: that the membership accept the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
The following Special Resolution to amend the Constitution of the Society is proposed by the Executive upon the recommendation of the Strategic Planning Committee to:
revise the purposes of the Society to reflect the increased focus on paddling
add the new purposes of the Society to promote ocean stewardship and contribute to the well-being of the community.
RESOLVED: as a Special Resolution, that section 2 of the Constitution be deleted in its entirety and be replaced with the following:
2. The purposes of the Society are:
a) To establish, maintain, conduct and promote among the members of the Club and others an interest in sailing, kayaking, paddling, rowing, windsurfing and other non-motorized watercraft activities;
b) To provide its members with training and instruction in the art and science of navigation and the operation of all manner of non-motorized watercraft and to provide opportunities for self-development, leadership and sportsmanship in the fields of non-motorized watercraft activities;
c) To encourage the growth of non-motorized watercraft activities, and the bringing together of persons who are interested in non-motorized watercraft activities;
d) To encourage the development of the sports of non-motorized watercraft activities amongst the youth of the community;
e) To promote ocean stewardship and contribute to the well-being of the community;
f) To purchase, hire, acquire, hold, mortgage, manage, lease, rent, sell, or otherwise deal with any real or personal property for the purposes of the Club, particularly lands, buildings, furniture, club and household effects, as well as any and all apparatus, appliances, conveniences and accommodations for the purposes aforesaid;
g) To operate watercraft and facilities owned, acquired or leased by the Club to the mutual benefit and general enjoyment of its members;
h) To enter into any arrangement with any authorities, civil, local, or otherwise, which may seem conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Club or any of them, and to apply for and obtain from such authorities all or any such licenses, permits, rights, privileges, and concessions as may be requisite for the purposes of the Club;
i) To borrow or raise money by the issue of or on security of bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other obligations or securities of the Society, or by any mortgage charge of all or any part of the property of the Society in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws and by the authority of an extraordinary resolution of the Society;
j) To co-operate with other Societies, Clubs and Associations having like objectives.