King Tide Clean-up

Lead by our Vice and Rear Commodores,

the King Tide Clean-up was a great success!!

Thanks to our great member volunteers who came out to help move our training fleet, member boats and kayaks to safer and more efficient spots and to sweep up the sand and debris in the yard.

Stephane Dresler, Julie Hudson, Matt Sluyter, Doug Hood, Trevor Lumb, Tom Mitchel, Rueben Ugarte, Jonathan Reimer, Geoff Hamilton, Cameron Burrows, Rueben Schultz, Wolf Ratetziatff, Alex Campbell, Grace Delorosario, Cynthia Sully, and Charles Addison all came out to help Denise and Leni.


Waszp Saililng starts soon!


Rear Commodore Mini clean-up and boat storage re-organization event.