HCS hosts ROC(M) course
On Saturday, May 20th, 2023, HSC hosted a Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) (ROC[M]) course for members.
Our instructor, Peter Bennett, (left) was friendly, informative and knowledgeable.
Coffee, treats and lunch were provided…Thanks, Jennifer!
Our upstairs classroom was full.
Among many things, we learned the uses of Marine Radio, for (1) Distress, Urgency and Safety messages; (2) Operational messages and (3) Business and Personal messages.
We learned the International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) phonetic alphabet:
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gold, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, and Zulu.
We were taught how to say numbers … and the Procedural words and phrases….no “trucker” CB talk here! With VHF transmissions, we use the 24 hour clock.
The class learned how to make a Mayday call, a Pan, Pan call and a Sécurité call. How to respond to such a call and how to relay such a call.
The class began at 9am and ended around 2pm.
Thanks to our Health and Safety Officer, Jennifer, for organizing the course.
Thanks to our instructor Peter Bennett for his great instruction.
Congratulations to our new Restricted Operators Certificate (Maritime) - ROC(M) holders: Dave, Mel, Luke, Tom, Matthew, Mike, Nick, Heather, Nick, Tom, Jonah, Jeff, Jonathan and Jennifer.
If you are interested in attending the next ROC(M) course, please email communications@hollyburnsailingclub.ca to get onto the list.