HSC approves New Code of Conduct.
Below is the Code of Conduct in full:
Table of Contents
1) Purpose and Scope of the Code of Conduct 1
2) Definitions 2
3) Application 2
4) Conduct 2
5) Management of Complaints 3
6) Types of misconduct 4
7) Review and Approval 5
1) Purpose and Scope of the Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that a safe, welcoming and positive environment is possible and available at all times at the HSC and in activities or events organized by the HSC by making HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other club stakeholders aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behavior consistent with the HSC’s core values of:
Being Welcoming (ensuring a fun, inclusive, diverse, respectful, and affordable environment promoting community among members and program participants).
Training and Participation.
Active Member Participation.
Youth Responsibility and Growth.
Club Volunteerism.
Being a Community Partner.
This Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behavior that is expected of all HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other club stakeholders.
HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other club stakeholders who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action identified in this Code of Conduct including verbal and written warnings and in extreme cases expulsion from the club.
2) Definitions
The following definitions apply to the Code of Conduct:
“Commodore” means the Commodore of the Hollyburn Sailing Club or their designate.
“Code of Conduct” means HSC’s Code of conduct as amended from time to time by the HSC Executive Committee.
“Complaint” means a complaint regarding an alleged violation of HSC’s Code of Conduct.
“Complainant” means a person filing a complaint who is either the victim of the alleged misconduct, a witness of the alleged misconduct or a person to whom the alleged misconduct has been brought to his or her attention.
3) Application
HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other club stakeholders involved in activities and programs held at HSC or related to HSC shall be bound by this Code of Conduct.
This Code of Conduct is related to conduct that may arise during the course of watersports, social events, training activities or other activities at HSC or related to HSC including but not limited to member led watersports, training programs or sessions, social events, executive & committee meetings and social media posts related to any of the above.
Individuals may be subject to the provisions of more than one code simultaneously (province, club, sailor/athlete, etc.), in which case they will still be bound by HSC’s Code of Conduct if and when deemed applicable.
4) Conduct
HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other club stakeholders shall consistently:
Adhere to all Canadian, Provincial, or Municipal laws.
Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike and responsible manner at all times.
Model safe watersports behavior including wearing personal safety gear where appropriate and required.
Model responsible & respectful use and enjoyment of the ocean.
Respect the dignity of other participants, treating them with respect and actively encouraging others to do the same.
Refrain from comments and behaviors which are critical, disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist, or sexist to other members and/or in general.
Refrain from the use of profane, or otherwise offensive language.
Refrain from any form of harassment, abuse, discrimination and bullying (including cyberbullying or any other form of social or other bullying).
Respect the property of others and not wilfully causing damage to HSC or member property or equipment.
Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities or behavior.
Not be under the influence of cannabis, alcohol or any medication that could cause impairment at any time while engaging in (1) watersports related to the club, (2) maintenance of the building, yard or equipment and/or (3) while in a coaching or leadership role related to club activities.
Not conceal any conduct of an individual that is, or may be, in breach of this Code of Conduct.
Report an alleged infraction of this Code of Conduct to the HSC Executive.
5) Management of Complaints
Any member of HSC or anyone involved with HSC can submit a complaint by following these steps:
Send an email commodore@hollyburnsailingclub.ca including the following information:
Date and time of the incident
Description of the incident
Steps taken to try to address incident (if any)
Person involved who may have violated the Code of Conduct as well as anyone affected by the violation
Witnesses (if any)
Photos or video evidence of the incident (if any)
Person(s) reporting incident and contact information for follow-up
Any complaints submitted will be reviewed by the HSC Executive Committee.
The HSC Executive Committee has the full discretion to determine the gravity of the misconduct.
If the HSC Executive Committee finds the claim to be valid they take any of the following actions depending upon the severity and repeated nature of their behavior:
Verbal Warning - The offending member or individual will be given a verbal warning by the Commodore describing the behavior in question, indicating how it violates this Conduct of Conduct and a warning that further such behavior can lead to expulsion from the club.
Written Warning - The offending member or individual will be sent a written warning from the Commodore describing the behavior in question, indicating how it violates this Conduct of Conduct and a warning that further such behavior can lead to expulsion from the club.
Expulsion - The offending member can be expelled from the club for the offending behavior (BY-LAWS OF HOLLYBURN SAILING CLUB, 4. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS).
6) Types of Misconduct
Minor Misconduct - Notwithstanding that the Commodore has the full discretion to qualify the misconduct, examples of minor misconduct will include, but not limited to:
A single incident of disrespectful behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other stakeholders using or visiting the club.
ii) Disrespectful, aggressive conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing.
Major Misconduct - Examples of more aggravating or major misconduct are, but not limited to:
Repeated incidents of disrespectful behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other stakeholders using or visiting the club.
ii) A single incident of offensive, abusive, racist or sexist commentary or behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to HSC Members, HSC staff, HSC Executive Committee members, guests, visitors, program participants and other stakeholders using or visiting the club.
Disrespectful, aggressive conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing.
A single or repeated incident of physical or sexual abuse, harassment or discrimination.
Pranks, jokes or any activities that endanger the safety of others.
Abusive use of alcohol or mood altering drugs, where abuse means a level of consumption which impairs the individual’s ability to speak, walk or drive, causes the individual to behave in a disruptive manner; or interferes with the individual’s ability to perform effectively and safely, or irrespective the level of consumption, is in breach of any applicable no alcohol policy.
Use of alcohol or cannabis by minors.
Use of illicit drugs and/or narcotics.
7) Review and Approval
This policy was approved by HSC’s Executive Committee on Thursday, 12 May 2020.
HSC’s Executive Committee may amend this policy at any time.
Responsibility for the administration and update of this policy rests with the Commodore.