HSC Opens up for Wooden Boat Show


 Thank  you all very much for coming out and supporting the 2024 HSC Show Saturday, August 10th. We had great weather for it and a steady trickle of visitors throughout the day. 


There were eight wooden boats on display, not as many as there once were but still enough to generate lots of interest and discussion of the boats by our visitors who were in awe of the workmanship of some of the boats. 


 The boats shared the area around the gate with the Ukulele band who played great rock music for us, attracted the people passing by, and even had some people dancing to it. 


There were not as many kids doing the boat building/painting as in some past years but  the kids that came really seemed to enjoy it and were very inventive and creative with their boat building and painting. Some of the kids spent over an hour painting their boats and sails in dizzying colours and designs. Every one was different, they had lots of fun.


 Once again the hot dogs were very popular and provided lunch for our visitors as well as feeding the adult sailing class who happened to be on site the same day. The suggestion has been made that we have a barbecue grill in a more visible location down on the yard next year which will probable attract even more customers.


 The presence of the adult sailing class was also very positive in that as a consequence there were lots of boats on the water and  great activity in the club. 

 The foiling Waszps also generated lots of interest and the sailing demonstration was well timed.


A huge, huge, thank you to all of you who supported and attended the show. 


Vice Commodore Trevor


The club thanks Vice Commodore Trevor for organizing the Wooden Boat Show. See you next year!


Club Racing Results


Folk Music change of night.