Annual General Meeting

Sunday, Nov 28th, 2021

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Please register in advance for this meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please send any questions to:


Who can Vote?

All members in good standing may vote, provided you attend the meeting.  “In good standing” means that you have paid your dues for 2021. This includes minors aged 10 and older. There is no proxy voting.

How to Vote

Voting will take place using the "Raise your hand" function in Zoom or by phone. When the chair calls a motion, they will first ask for all “Yays”, then “Nays”, then Abstains. Please raise your hand during the period for your vote. Your “hand” will be lowered at the end of voting. Everyone at the meeting using Zoom can see your vote (this most closely mirrors how an in-person AGM works). 

To facilitate voting, each individual needs to connect to the meeting on a separate device (phone or computer or mobile). If this is not possible, contact us ahead of time

How to find your "Hand" 

  • Desktop: Under "Reactions" at the bottom of the Zoom interface then Raise Hand

  • Mobile App: Bottom right “More” button then Raise Hand.

  • By telephone: You can raise your hand by dialling *9. 

Meeting Conduct

Robert's Rules will generally dictate procedures unless they contravene the BC Societies Act or our own Bylaws.

In addition:

  • We have enabled chat for the meeting. Please use it constructively and with respect for all participants.

  • To ask a question during the meeting, please raise your “hand” and wait to be recognized by the Chair. 

  • To speak during a motion, please raise your “hand” and wait to be recognized by the Chair. Speakers will be asked to indicate whether they are speaking for or against the motion and the Chair will generally alternate between for and against positions.

  • Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes on one motion. Total minutes for speaking on one motion = 15 minutes.

  • All motions will be settled by a majority of those people who vote Yay or Nay or Abstain (“Present in person” is interpreted as voting)

  • Only a summary of votes cast will be recorded so a recount will not be possible after the meeting.

  • Meeting conduct rules can be revised by a majority vote of the assembly.