June 4th Club Racing at HSC

Scuppered Skipper Material?


Scuppered Skipper Material? 〰️

Results from our June 4th Club Racing:

Season Leaderboard.

Congratulations to Grant and Averil!  They manage to beat Rueben with some amazingly fast and consistent race times, all 4 races within 5 seconds.


The dreaded gusty & shifty Southeasterly wind made its appearance today, taking our boat as a victim this time.  Apologies to all for ruining the 5th race and thanks to Tom for the rescue & RC duties.


Hope everyone had fun (we sure did despite the capsize), also happy we were able to avoid the rain.  Next regatta is in two weeks on Saturday June 18 (before Father’s Day).

Thank-you to Rueben for the photos.


New SUP and Kayak racks arrive.


East Gate Fixed